GXCMR Visiting Scholar Information Sheet
日期: 年 月 日
项目名称 Project Name |
中文: English: |
所属领域 Field |
起止时间 Visiting Period |
20XX年X月X日—X月X日( ) Start: End: |
申请人 基本信息 Personal Information |
姓名 Name |
工作单位 Affiliation |
职称/人才称号 Professional Title |
电子邮件 E-mail |
联系电话 Tel |
Basic Information of Group Members |
研究计划 Research Plan
经费资助 Funding |
中心意见 GXCMR Opinion |
中心执行主任签字(Signature of Executive Director of GXCMR):
年 月 日 (Date:Y/M/D) |
1、 本表一式一份,不够可加页;审批后秘书需及时存档并将活动汇总;
This form is made in one copy, pages can be added if it is not enough; After approval, the secretary should file and summarize the activities in time;
2、 预算参照《广西大学经费支出管理暂行办法》和《中央和国家机关培训费管理办法》规定的标准制定。
The budget shall be formulated in accordance with the standards stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Administration of Expenditures of Guangxi University and the Measures for the Administration of Training Fees of Central and State Organs.