Office of Guangxi Mathematical Research Center,
100 University East Road, Nanning City, Guangxi
Office: Room E209, Guangxi Center for Mathematical Research
Reserch Interests
Differential geometry, mathematical physics
Education Background:
1983.09-1987.07 Fudan University bachelor
1993.01-1996.01 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ph.D
(50) Yaohua Wang, Xiao Zhang, The positive energy theorem for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes with distributional curvature. International Journal of Mathematics, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X19400032
(49) Fanquan Xie, Xiao Zhang, Peeling property of Bondi-Sachs metrics for nonzero cosmological constant. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11425-017-9339-3
(48) Daguang Chen, Fang Wang, Xiao Zhang, Eigenvalue Estimate of the Dirac operator and Rigidity of Poincare-Einstein Metrics. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 293, 485-502 (2019)
(47) 张晓,Bondi-Sachs度量与引力波. 中国科学:数学2018年第48卷第6期:849-858.
(46) Yaohua Wang, Xiao Zhang, Nonexistence of time-periodic solutions of the Dirac equation in non-extreme Kerr-Newman-AdS spacetime. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 61(1), 73-82 (2018).
(45) 张晓,广义相对论正能量定理. 中国科学:数学2017年第47 卷第6 期: 673-688.
(44) Xiao Zhang, Recent progress on the positive energy theorem. International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 30, Nos. 28 & 29, 1545018 (2015).
(43) Yaohua Wang, Naqing Xie, Xiao Zhang, The positive energy theorem for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 17, 1550015 (2015).
(42) Zhuobin Liang, Xiao Zhang, Spacelike hypersurfaces with negative total energy in de Sitter spacetime. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53, 022502 (2012).
(41) Daguang Chen, Oussama Hijazi, Xiao Zhang, The Dirac–Witten operator on pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 271, 357–372 (2012).
(40) Xiao Zhang, Deformation quantization and noncommutative black holes. Science in China A: Mathematics, vol.54, no.11, 2501–2508 (2011).
(39) Huabin Ge, Mingxing Luo, Qiping Su, Ding Wang, Xiao Zhang, Bondi-Sachs metrics and photon rockets. General Relativity and Gravitation, 43, 2729–2742 (2011).
(38) Wen Sun, Ding Wang, Naqing Xie, R. B. Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Gravitational collapse of spherically symmetric stars in noncommutative general relativity. The European Physical Journal C, 69, 271–279 (2010).
(37) R.B. Zhang, X. Zhang, Projective module description of embedded noncommutative spaces. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 22, 507-531 (2010).
(36) M. Luo, N. Xie, X. Zhang, Positive mass theorems for asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes. Nuclear Physics B, 825, 98-118 (2010).
(35) X. Zhang, On a quasi-local mass. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 26, 245018 (2009).
(34) D. Wang, R.B. Zhang, X. Zhang, Exact solutions of noncommutative vacuum Einstein field equations and plane-fronted gravitational waves. The European Physical Journal C, 64, 439-444 (2009).
(33) D. Wang, R.B. Zhang, X. Zhang, Quantum deformations of Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 26, 085014 (2009).
(32) M. Chaichian, A. Tureanu, R. B. Zhang, X. Zhang, Riemannian Geometry of Noncommutative Surfaces. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, 073511 (2008).
(31) M. Chaichian, P. P. Kulish, A. Tureanu, R. B. Zhang, X. Zhang, Noncommutative fields and actions of twisted Poincare algebra. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, 042302 (2008).
(30) X. Zhang, A quasi-local mass for 2-spheres with negative Gauss curvature. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 51, 1644-1650 (2008).
(29) X. Zhang, A new quasi-local mass and positivity. Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), 24, 881-890 (2008).
(28) N. Xie, X. Zhang, Positive mass theorems for asymptotically AdS spacetimes with arbitrary cosmological constant. International Journal of Mathematics, 19, 285-302 (2008).
(27) W.-l. Huang, X. Zhang, On the relation between ADM and Bondi energy-momenta III - perturbed radiative spatial infinity. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 50, 1217-1226 (2007).
(26) W.-l. Huang, X. Zhang, On the relation between ADM and Bondi energy-momenta - radiative spatial infinity.《Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Hangzhou 2007, December 17-22》, Vol III, 367-379, Higher Education Press 2008.
(25) X. Zhang, On the relation between ADM and Bondi energy-momenta. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 10, 261-282 (2006).
(24) W.-l. Huang, S.T. Yau, X. Zhang, Positivity of the Bondi mass in Bondi's radiating spacetimes. Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni, 17, 335-349 (2006).
(23) W.-l. Huang, X. Zhang, The energy-momentum and related topics in gravitational radiation.《Differential Geometry and Physics - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, 20-26 August 2005, Tianjin, China》, 248-255, Nankai Tracts in Mathematics, Vol. 10, World Scientific.
(22) X. Zhang, Y-Z. Zhang, Axial anomaly for Eguchi-Hanson metrics with nonzero total mass. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 43, 79-80 (2005).
(21) X. Zhang, The positive mass theorem near null infinity.《Proceedings of ICCM 2004, December 17-22, Hong Kong》 (eds. S.T. Yau, etc.), Higher Education Press, Beijing.
(20) X. Zhang, A definition of total energy-momenta and the positive mass theorem on asymptotically hyperbolic 3-manifolds I. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 249, 529-548 (2004).
(19) X. Zhang, Scalar flat metrics of Eguchi-Hanson type. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 42, 235-238 (2004).
(18) X. Zhang, Remarks on the total angular momentum in general relativity. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 39, 521-524 (2003).
(17) X. Zhang, Positive mass theorem for modified energy condition.《Morse Theory, Minimax Theorey and Their Applications to Nonlinear Differential Equations》 (eds. H. Brezis, etc.), 275-283, IP New Stud. Adv. Math. 1, International Press, Boston, 2003.
(16) O. Hijazi, X. Zhang, The Dirac-Witten operator on spacelike hypersurfaces. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 11, 737-750 (2003).
(15) O. Hijazi, S. Montiel, X. Zhang, Conformal lower bounds for the Dirac operator of embedded hypersurfaces. Asian Journal of Mathematics, 6, 23-36 (2002).
(14) X. Zhang, The positive mass theorem in general relativity.《Geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations》 (Hang Zhou, 2001), 227-233, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. 29, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002.
(13) O. Hijazi, X. Zhang, Lower bounds for eigenvalues of the Dirac operator. Part II. The submanifold Dirac operator. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 20, 163-181 (2001).
(12) O. Hijazi, X. Zhang, Lower bounds for eigenvalues of the Dirac operator. Part I. The hypersurface Dirac operator. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 19, 355-376 (2001).
(11) O. Hijazi, S. Montiel, X. Zhang, Dirac operator on embedded hypersurfaces. Mathematical Research Letters, 8, 195-208 (2001).
(10) O. Hijazi, S. Montiel, X. Zhang, Eigenvalues of the Dirac operator on manifolds with boundary. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 221, 255-265 (2001).
(9) L. Zhang, X. Zhang, Remarks on Positive Mass Theorem. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 208, 663-669 (2000).
(8) X. Zhang, Positive mass theorem for hypersurface in 5-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 8, 635-652 (2000).
(7) X. Zhang, Rigidity of strongly asymptotic hyperbolic spin manifolds. Mathematical Research Letters,7, 719-728 (2000).
(6) X. Zhang, A Remark: Lower bounds for eigenvalues of hypersurface Dirac operators. Mathematical Research Letters, 6, 465-466 (1999).
(5) X. Zhang, Positive mass conjecture for 5-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40(7), 3540-3552 (1999).
(4) X. Zhang, Angular momentum and positive mass theorem. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 206, 137-155 (1999).
(3) X. Zhang, The heat flow and harmonic maps on a class of manifolds. Pacific Journal of Mathematics,182, 157-182 (1998).
(2) X. Zhang, Lower bounds for eigenvalues of hypersurface Dirac operators. Mathematical Research Letters, 5, 199-210 (1998).
(1) W.L. Chan, X. Zhang, Symmetries, conservation laws and Hamiltonian structures of the non-isospectral and variable coefficient KdV and MKdV equations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematics General, 28, 407-419 (1995).
Academic Report
October 5-7, 2018, “Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis and PDEs”, Taipei, China
The positive energy theorem for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes
August 13-17, 2018, “2018 Australia-China joint conference on Geometric Analysis and Differential Geometry”, Gold Coast, Australia
The positive energy theorem for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes with distributional curvature
June 11-14, 2018, “Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Chinese Mathematical Society”, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Eigenvalue estimates of the Dirac operator on manifolds with boundary and the rigidity of PE manifolds
March 12-16, 2018, “Partial Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics Workshop”, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF) in Sanya, China
The positive energy theorem for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
June 26-28, 2017, “Conference on Differential Geometry”, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences and School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Bondi-Sachs spacetimes and gravitational waves
May 25-29, 2017, “International Symposium on Gravitational Waves (ISGW)”, Beijing, China
Boundary Condition and Newman-Penrose Quantity of Bondi-Sachs Metrics for Nonzero Cosmological Constant
May 10-16, 2016, “The third Russian-Chinese conference on complex analysis, algebra, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics”, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow
Noncommutative Differential Geometry via Deformation Quantization and Applications in Gravity
May 4-8, 2015, “International conference on gravitation and cosmology/the fourth Galileo-Xu Guangqi meeting”, Beijing, China
The positive energy theorem for asymptotically AdS spacetimes
October 6-10, 2014, “Spin geometry and analysis on manifolds”, CIRM, Marseille, France
Spin geometry and the energy-momentum inequality for asymptotically AdS spacetimes
March 1-26,2014,“The First International Conference on the Fundamental Laws of the Universe”,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
The positive energy theorem for spacetimes with nonzero cosmological constants
January 11, 2014, “Workshop on Several Complex Variables and Differential Geometry”, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
The positive energy theorem in general relativity
January 10-12, 2014, “Workshop on Frontier of Gravitational Physics”, Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, Beijing, China
The positive energy theorem for asymptotically AdS spacetimes
October 15-November 1, 2013, “Tianyuan Workshop on Geometric Analysis and Hyperbolic PDEs 2013”, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Lectures on black holes and linear waves
July 18-20, 2013, “Workshop on String/M Theory, Gravity and Topological Quantum Fields 2013”, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Deformation quantization and noncommutative black holes
November 5-25, 2012, “Tianyuan Workshop on Geometric Analysis and Hyperbolic PDEs 2012”, Sun Yet-san University, Guangzhou, China
Lectures on black holes and linear waves
September 21-24, 2012, “The International Conference on Differential Geometry in Memory of Su Buqing”, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Spin geometry and positive energy theorem
June 27-July 1, 2011, “Xiamen Conference on Geometric PDE 2011”, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
The positive energy theorem in general relativity
June 6-11, 2011, “Beijing Summer Program in Mathematical Relativity 2011”, BICMR, Beijing, China
Spacelike hypersurfaces with negative total energy in de Sitter spacetime
September 3-8, 2010, “The 6th Geometry Conference for Friendship of China and Japan”, Xian, China
Quasi-local quantities and limits at spatial and null infinities
August 30-September 3, 2010, “International Conference on Geometric and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations”, Mission Beach Resort, Queensland, Australia
Quasi-local quantities and limits at spatial and null infinities
July 23-27, 2010, “Conference on Operator Algebras and Related Topics”, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beijing, China
Deformation quantization and noncommutative black holes
June 8-9, 2010, “Aspects geometriques de la relativite generale”, Institut Elie Cartan, Universite Henri Poincare -Nancy 1
Asymptotically de Sitter Spacetimes and Positive Mass Theorems
January 22-28, 2010, “Workshop on General Relativity and Geometric Analysis”, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
On a quasi-local mass
September 28-October 1, 2009, “53rd Annual Meeting of Austualia Mathematical Society”, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Einstein field equations in noncommutative spacetimes
August 2-7, 2009, “International Conference on Quantum Gravity-Loops 09”, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Einstein field equations in noncommutative spacetimes
July 6-24, 2009, “2009 Sino-France Summer Institute on Geometric Analysis”, BICMR, Beijing, China
Einstein field equations in noncommutative spacetimes
July 6-10, 2009, “1st Pacific Rim Mathematical Association (PRIMA) Congress”, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Positive mass theorems for asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
March 20-23, 2009, “International Conference on Global Analysis and Differential Geometry”, Saga University, Japan
1) Eigenvalues of the Dirac operator on manifolds with boundary and the Alexandrov theorem
2) The conformal Laplacian operator and the mass of asymptotically flat manifolds
December 2008, “The first joint meeting of American Mathematical Society and Chinese Mathematical Society”, Shanghai, China
Positive mass theorems for asymptotically AdS spacetimes with arbitary cosmological constant
December 2008, “PDE Seminar”, The University of Queensland, Australia
The conformal Laplacian operator and the mass of asymptotically flat manifolds
July 2008, “International Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Application”, Habian, China
Positive mass theorems for asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
December 2007, “The 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians”, Hangzhou, China
On the relation between ADM and Bondi energy-momenta -- radiative spatial infinity
April 2006, “Geometry Seminar”, University of Sydney, Australia
Some geometric problems in general relativity, I, II, III, IV
August 2005, “Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics”
The energy-momentum and related topics in gravitational radiation
December 2004, “The 3rd International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians”, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The positive mass theorem near null infinity
May 2002, “Mathematical Physics Seminar”, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
The positive mass theorem for asymptotically hyperbolic 3-manifolds
November 2001, “Differential Geometry Seminar”, Stanford University, USA
The positive mass theorem for asymptotically hyperbolic 3-manifolds
July 2001, “International Conference Dedicated to Professor Su Buqing on the
Occasion of his 100 Years Birthday”, Hangzhou, China
The positive mass theorem in general relativity
May-June 2001, “Spin Geometry Seminar”, Institut Elie Cartan, Universite Henri Poincare, France
1) The total angular momentum in general relativity;
2) Boundary conditions for Dirac operators and applications
December 2000, “International Mathematics Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Hua”, Beijing
On angular momentum and the positive mass theorem in general relativity
July 2000, “ALHAMBRA 2000: A Joint Mathematical European-Arabic Conference”, Granada-Spain
The lower bounds for eigenvalues of the hypersurface Dirac operator
May-Jun 2000, “Global Analysis Seminar”, Institut Elie Cartan, Universite Henri Poincare, France
1) Angular momentum and the positive mass theorem I, II;
2) Rigidity of strongly asymptotically hyperbolic spin manifolds