Associate Professor
Office: Room 427, College of Mathematics and Information Science
Tel: 0771-3232084
Email: xjq@gxu.edu.cn
Address: College of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Guangxi University, Nanning, China
Research Area:
The general topic of my research is nonlinear dynamics and control. I explore co-dimensional-two and high co-dimensional non-smooth bifurcation of piecewise-smooth dynamical systems , as well as bifurcation control based on non-smooth bifurcation theory.
I also work on problem in neurodynamics. This work focuses on complex dynamics in single neuron models, and the interaction of intrinsic dynamics and connectivity in biological neural network dynamics, as well as the non-smooth problem in neuron and neural network.
Homepage: http://prof.gxu.edu.cn/teacherDetails/792f389a-9469-48c7-b464-91e208a80161