Scalar Curvature Deformation and a Gluing Construction for the Einstein Constraint Equations

Scalar Curvature Deformation and a Gluing  

Construction for the Einstein Constraint Equations


时间:2021-11-16  14:30-16:30pm


摘要:On a compact manifold, the scalar curvature map at generic metrics is a local surjection [F-M]. We show that this result may be localized to compact subdomains in an arbitrary Riemannian manifold. The method is extended to establish the existence of asymptotically flflat, scalar-flflat metrics on Rn (n ≥ 3) which are spherically symmetric, hence Schwarzschild, at infifinity, i.e. outside a compact set. Such metrics provide Cauchy data for the Einstein vacuum equations which evolve into nontrivial vacuum spacetimes which are identically Schwarzschild near spatial infifinity.

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